Tuesday, October 14, 2008

choose your own adventure

school has finally ended
i usually find numbers boring and useless, but 12 years in acs does mean something right?
6 long years in acsi is kind of sickening actually
2 years in ib has been the worst hurhur
unfortunately i'm the kind of person who looks back at things and can only remember the good parts
(although i do recall some days to be unbearable and some people really hurtful...screw that!)
i will miss everyone and i can safely say that i have learnt many many many things

year 6 in particular has been a extra special and i am extremely grateful for all my retarded friends!!! thanks!!
i will miss my class too!&& 6.16 is the best yay

i have also spent the last few months wondering what i'm supposed to do with my life
all this decision making is really confusing and tiring to think about-so screw that!!
just kidding
its just that i find it scary to think about the future
but i keep telling myself
"you can do this! even though you are a stupid mint ice cream loving boy who cannot whistle or speak chinese!! you must not have any regrets no matter what ok!"-or something like that wtf who cares

marnie stern
children collide


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