Monday, July 27, 2009

such a thriller

i've been having a really packed weekend so far.
i caught the movie public enemies on sat night and flew over to butter
to spend the rest of the night. then saw this production called sing dollar
at the esplanade the following afternoon and had dinner at a relative's house.
today i met cheam paul cao for prawn mee and ice cream.. nice!

it's been great seeing my cousins from bejing as well.
we always have a good laugh!

last week was my sister's wedding! the most fun wedding eveeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr times infinity
good times, good times.

flying off next sat for some training shit. hope to have lots of fun there. heh

finally i had some time to look for new listening material. loves it.
kurt vile- catchy lo-fi pop goodness
how i became the bomb- upbeat (free downloads on their site)
bubble shield- creates a great atmosphere. in a weird way.(free download of latest album)
sholi- it sounds nice. diverse stuff
the inner banks- folktronica?


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